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Powered By ADMA

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Insights & Analysis

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Services you can demo and implement today

Imagery Insights Icon

Imagery Insights

Track crop health over time and quickly identify areas in fields that need attention. 

Crop Water Use Maps icon

Crop Water Use Maps

View water used or lost by a crop over the course of 24 hours.

Growing Degree Day icon

Growing Degree Day Calculation

Access a calculation algorithm to gain insights about crop health and output.

Historical Weather icon

Historical Weather

View over 40 years of historical weather data.

Smart Boundary ID icon

Smart Boundary ID

Identify administrative and actual farm activity boundaries within a set of coordinates. 

In Season Crop ID icon

Crop ID

Get in-season detection and identification of key cash crops.

Powered by OneSoil
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Imagery Insights Icon

Imagery Insights

Track crop health over time and quickly 
identify areas in fields that need attention. Choose geographic areas, and get access 
to a series of satellite images and supporting data within these areas. 
What’s Included
Potential Use
RGB A spatially referenced (GeoTIFF) image created after clouds, shadows and atmospheric effects have been eliminatedVegetation Relative vegetative plant growth over time and spaceScouting A view of five field zones with similar or dissimilar plant growth characteristicsMetadata Supporting data that can be utilized to analyze with metrics
  • Generate accurate application maps for crop inputs
  • Rapid identification and prioritization of potential problem areas that may require in-depth investigation and treatment
Crop Water Use Maps icon

Crop Water Use Maps

View water used or lost by a crop over the course of 24 hours through visual maps and supporting data.
What’s Included
Potential Use
Maps and Metadata Maps and data are generated based on user-identified geographic points. Users can track and understand crop moisture levels and potential crop loss areas due to lack of water.
  • Determine plant health or irrigation need, timing and quantity
  • Reliable end-of-season yield predictions
Growing Degree Day icon

Growing Degree Day Calculation

Access a calculation algorithm for Growing Degree Days (GDD). These serve as critical input for models that help identify maturity of crops and timing of variables affecting crop growth, health and output.
What’s Included
Potential Use
Calculation Algorithm Generate a single accumulated GDD value from a given start date (typically the planting date) through an end date. The algorithm will also use the following inputs: specified latitude, longitude and crop type.
  • Track crop growth stages to identify harvest timing
  • Anticipate weed pressure and/or life stages of pests
  • Estimate heat stress on various crops, enabling insights on potential harvest impacts
Historical Weather icon

Historical Weather

View over 40 years of historical weather data (1979-present). Access a single point of entry 
for integrated data from diverse sources of weather insights across the majority of global agricultural regions.
What’s Included
Potential Use
  • IBM currents on demand: historical data from 2019-present
  • IBM historical on demand: historical data from 2016-2019 and regions
where geographic backfill expansion occurs
  • IBM 4km Precipitation Products: data from 2016-present (*except US)
  • ERA5 Publicly Sourced Data
  • Bayer-derived data sets (i.e. growing degree days, evapotranspiration)
VariablesTemperature, Relative Humidity, Dew Point Temp, Pressure, Wind Speed/Direction, Precipitation, Solar Radiation, Soil Temp, Soil Moisture, Surface Heat Fluxes, Snow Depth, Cloud Cover, Evapotranspiration
  • All data will have an hourly resolution and be updated every 24 hours
  • For data not provided by IBM prior to 2016, ERA5 is utilized
  • For data not provided by IBM between 2016-present, ERA5 and/or MRMS data is utilized
  • All data will have an hourly resolution and be updated every 24 hours
  • For data not provided by IBM prior to 2016, ERA5 is utilized
  • For data not provided by IBM between 2016-present, ERA5 and/or MRMS data is utilized
  • Weather risk assessments for actuary and underwriting
  • Agronomic model training
  • Forecasting crop seasonality and production changes year over year
Smart Boundary ID icon

Smart Boundary ID

Enable a map layer that identifies the administrative and actual farm activity boundaries within a provided set of latitude/longitude coordinates. 
What’s Included
Potential Use
After the user specifies a single set of longitude/latitude coordinates, the model employs satellite imagery and times a series of agronomic activities. 
It then automatically delineates the administrative and one or more 
activity field boundaries. The customer is served a map layer of the predicted boundaries.
  • Regulatory/sustainability reporting and action verification
  • Foundational field boundary creation for regions with no current automated options
  • Estimating yield: Use for prescriptions or on-farm product testing
In Season Crop ID icon
Powered by OneSoil

Crop ID

Get in-season detection and identification of key cash crops such as corn, soybean, wheat and additional crops across North America, South America and Europe.
What’s Included
Potential Use
Identification After specifying a field boundary and a date, the model evaluates phenotypic response from satellite imagery to classify the crop in question. The customer is served the crop name from the field and the date of interest.Note: The model has been validated in over 60 countries and with 12 crops. Crops include corn, soy, sorghum, cotton, canola, barley, wheat, grass, sugar beet, sunflower, rice and sugarcane.
  • Facilitate enrollment in and practice verification for some sustainability programs
  • Automate current and historical metadata entry into Farm Management Information Systems
  • Enable data from historical data sets needed for modeling
OneSoil logo svgOneSoil is a digital product company providing a platform that helps farmers and agricultural companies be more profitable and sustainable.Visit


Services in our pipeline

Cool Farm Tool icon

Cool Farm Tool Data Connector

Facilitates autonomous data flow between ADMA customers. 

Reference Data icon

Reference Data Catalog

Enables a single, normalized, ready-to-use source of 
agriculture product data. 

Crop Groth Modals Icon

Crop Growth Models

Predict the growth stage of various crops.

Irrigation Prescription Model icon

Irrigation Prescription Model

Access more effective irrigation prescriptions.

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Cool Farm Tool icon

Cool Farm Tool Data Connector

The Cool Farm Tool (CFT) Data Connector will facilitate an autonomous data flow between ADMA customers. This cloud solution will serve a key role in authenticating and orchestrating customer access and data sync capabilities.
What’s Included
Potential Use
Data Extraction With over 70 data inputs across various category sources required for a single field, this tool maps relevant data from a customer’s instance of ADMA's "Common Data Model" to the inputs required to run the CFT. Data Validation
  • Validation of model access credentials of the ADMA customer 
with CFA/CFT
  • Pushing the CFT output data into the customer’s instance of ADMA
  • Streamlined access to CFT for vertically integrated agri-food businesses
  • Scope 3 emissions estimates
  • Scenario planning to test mitigation techniques
Reference Data icon

Reference Data Catalog

Enables a single, normalized, ready-to-use source of agriculture product data. Reference data is a key component for ensuring data quality at the point of creation of farming activities. This enables customers to leverage a complete product dataset for their own solution.
What’s Included
Potential Use
  • Bayer portfolio and additional brand portfolios of Seed Products
  • Bayer portfolio and additional brand portfolios of 
Crop Protection Products
  • Global list of 500+ Crop Names
  • Equipment lists that include implement types and brands
Note: This data set will be continually updated.
  • Seamless data entry for FMIS tools that need reference data
  • Utilize reference data lists for models
Crop Groth Modals Icon

Crop Growth Models

After specifying a field boundary and basic crop information, the model predicts the growth stage of the crop in question based on satellite and environmental/weather data.
What’s Included
Potential Use
  • Average crop growth stage
  • Estimate of harvest readiness
Note: Current models validated for corn and soybean.
  • Replant decisions
  • Crop scouting and crop management decisions
  • Yield estimation
  • Harvest readiness assistance
Irrigation Prescription Model icon

Irrigation Prescription Model

Access irrigation prescriptions that can be utilized in maximizing productivity and profitability while minimizing negative environmental impacts.
What’s Included
Potential Use
Map Layer and Supporting Data
  • After specifying a field boundary and basic crop information, and establishing irrigation/sensor system connectivity, the model generates an irrigation prescription
  • Multiple map layers, including a visualization of applied water over time and an irrigation prescription
  • Package of charts, including estimates of soil moisture depletion, cumulative water use vs rain, and irrigation applied; and a zone-based yield analysis for the field of interest
Note: Model performance demonstrates significant water savings (roughly 0.4 inches of water per acre per season, on average) and significant yield life (roughly three bu/ac, on average).
  • Sustainability program verification
  • Water resource conservation
  • Yield increase

Contributing to the platform’s AgPowered Services right from the start is truly exciting. OneSoil's cutting-edge crop detection models, fueled by AI and remote sensing, showcase our commitment to revolutionizing the agricultural industry on a global level. Collaborating with Bayer opens doors to introduce our technology to customers around the world, marking a significant step up in modern agriculture.

OneSoil CEO Morten Schmidt